Our region offers a wealth of sanghas, centers, and refuges to support your practice. Southern Dharma's intention is to make this page a vibrant hub for practitioners and teachers looking to deepen their engagement and strengthen their connections to local communities. Is there another resource that you would like to see shared on this page? Email info@southerndharma.org.
North Carolina
- Charlotte Buddhist Vihara, Charlotte NC
- Great Tree Women’s Zen Temple, Alexander NC
- Zen Center of Asheville (ZCA), Asheville NC
- Mountain Mindfulness Sangha, Asheville NC
- Heartwood Refuge, Hendersonville NC
- Asheville Insight Meditation (AIM), Asheville NC
- Anattasati Magga Sangha, Asheville NC
- Windhorse Zen Community, Alexander NC
- Kate's Garden Refuge, Burnsville NC
- Asheville Shambhala Meditation Center, Asheville NC
- Urban Dharma, Asheville NC
- Serenity Insight Meditation Center, Asheville NC
- Insight Meditation Community of Charlotte, Charlotte NC
- Roswell Insight Meditation, Roswell GA
- Atlanta Insight Meditation Community, Atlanta GA