At Home Retreat – Guiding Your Own Practice: An At-Home Insight Meditation Retreat for Experienced Meditators
David Chernikoff
May 6 - 9, 2021
This retreat is for those who want to deepen their practice and to learn to listen to what the Thai meditation teacher Ajahn Chah called “the one who knows.” Ultimately, spiritual maturation involves learning to trust our own inner guidance and resting in the felt realization that we already are what we seek. In a caring, supportive environment, we’ll practice sitting and walking meditation in silence. There will be dharma talks on the retreat theme as well as periodic experiential exercises and group discussions to enhance our exploration of this essential topic.
Please note: This retreat is for experienced meditators — people who have been practicing for at least three years, have been on a minimum of two residential retreats of two days or more, and have maintained a fairly regular meditation practice in their home environment. If you’re not sure if this retreat is appropriate for you, please contact the teacher, David Chernikoff, at [email protected] or 303-499-7592 and he will discuss the situation with you.
For our 2021 at home retreats, three fee tiers are offered. Please choose the option that best fits your ability to give in this time. Any amount paid above the Base rate is a tax deductible contribution to Southern Dharma Retreat Center. Your confirmation email is your receipt for tax purposes.
We are deeply grateful for your support.
Registration fees do not include dana for the teacher. In the Buddhist tradition the teachings are offered freely and teachers are not paid for their offerings. They rely on dana contributions from students. Similarly, Southern Dharma keeps registration fees low to ensure the Dharma is accessible to all. Fees cover only a fraction of Southern Dharma’s operating expenses. We appreciate your practice of generosity to continue the dissemination of the Dharma!
Southern Dharma is now offering 50% scholarship awards for BIPOC and young adults in addition to those with financial need. Indicate your interest in a scholarship during the registration process. More information available here.
David Chernikoff (he/him), M.Div, LCSW. ( is a meditation teacher, spiritual…
Learn more about David Chernikoff