Leslie Rawls
Leslie Rawls (she/her) (Chân Giác Xứ) is a Dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. She has studied and practiced in the Plum Village monasteries in Europe and North America and traveled with Thich Nhat Hanh to Vietnam. In 1995, Thich Nhat Hanh ordained Leslie into the Order of Interbeing. In 2009, he transmitted the Dharma Lamp to her, authorizing her to teach as a Dharmacharya. Leslie sits in the 43rd generation of the Lam Te Dhyana School and the 8th generation of the Lieu Quon Dharma line. She has taught Dharma practices in prisons, hospitals, professional gatherings, and retreat centers across the United States. Leslie is the resident Dharma teacher for the Charlotte (NC) Community of Mindfulness. For more information about Leslie, visit www.charlottemindfulness.org/dharmateacher.html