You will be provided a schedule to follow upon arrival, similar to the one below. There is some variation between retreats, as some might include more or less movement, chanting, music, Q&A, reflections in dyads, individual or small group meetings/interviews with the teacher.
Arrival Day:
- 3-6pm: Check-In (by 5pm for retreatants coming to Southern Dharma for the first time)
- 4pm: Optional Grounds Tour with SDRC Staff
- 5pm: Orientation followed by Dinner (mandatory for retreatants coming to Southern Dharma for the first time)
- 6pm: Dinner
- 7:30pm: Opening session in the meditation hall, including additional orientation; start of Noble Silence; may end as late at 9:45pm
- Noble Silence usually begins upon leaving the Meditation Hall
- 10pm Lights out
Full Retreat Days:
- 6:15am: Wake up
- 6:45am: First sitting period
- 7:30am: Breakfast
- 8:30am: Working meditation
- 9:45am: Morning Sit & Instructions
- 11am: Walking Meditation
- 11:30am: Sitting Meditation
- 12:30pm: Lunch
- 1pm: Personal time
- 2:30pm: Sitting Meditation
- 3pm: Mindful Movement (yoga, qi gong, etc)
- 3:45pm: Sitting Meditation
- 4:30pm: Heart Practice
- 5:30pm: Walking Meditation
- 6pm: Dinner
- 7:30pm: Evening Dharma Talk
- 8:30pm: Walking Meditation
- 9pm: Closing Sit
- 10pm: Lights out
Departure Day:
Similar morning program followed by end of Noble Silence at lunch and departure by 2:00pm
While on retreat, we encourage you to practice putting down your ideas of how the schedule “should” be. It is natural to feel constriction regarding a new routine that varies from your daily customs. Instead of resisting, allow yourself this opportunity to notice and tenderly let go. Retreat is a radical opportunity to sink into a rhythm where you don’t have to plan or constantly check your phone… just be.
Additionally, since we live and practice in close community here, it’s important to respect the schedule so as not to disrupt others. Together, we co-create the community and atmosphere of each retreat.